Saturday, October 4, 2008

Walking Through the City

Towering London
1. Classical
2. Coffee House & Spire
3. Lloyd Building
4. Great Gherkin
5. Le Bow
7. Modern
8. Future
If there is one architectural theme that is true for most of London, especially downtown London it is tall buildings. Throughout its history, London has been a large and growing population, but there isn’t much room to grow out on an island so the city has grown towards the sky. It’s hard as a tourist not to look up the whole time you’re walking because not only are the buildings tall but beautiful. Even older buildings seem to pierce the sky with marble spires—like stark clouds against the blue sky. One cannot help but feel miniscule next to these structural giants.


Mortensen Baby Farm said...

Truly amazing! Are your feet tired yet?

Kelsy said...

They are so tired, it's not even funny.

Martin's said...

These pictures are incredible. We miss you and wish we were there too!